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resource help?

Subject area:
Extremism, Prejudice, Prevent duty, Reporting concerns, Safeguarding, Terrorism
Pdf, Videos, Web pages

Robbie’s Story, created by HOPE not Hate, centres around the case study of former far-right extremist Robbie Mullen. The teacher video and CPD session plan could be used for teacher training sessions to raise awareness of extreme right-wing issues and actions to take for concerns. HOPE not Hate is an advocacy group which campaigns against racism and fascism.  

To access the video, fill in the short form on the HOPE not Hate website.


A note about our third-party resources 

Third-party resources are those not created directly by the Educate Against Hate team, or by the Department for Education. All third-party resources hosted on Educate Against Hate have undergone a quality-assurance process, a due diligence assessment and content review before being added to the site, so you can have confidence that you’re using trusted, accurate, high-quality content.  

You should use any resources on this website at your own discretion. When selecting resources and materials to use, schools may find it helpful to review guidance produced by the Department for Education on using external agencies.  


Hope Not Hate logo
Teacher video

A video resource for teachers which can be used at staff training sessions.

Student video

A video resource for students.

Recommended reading

An article explaining the background to the resources that is recommended for session facilitators.