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A new hub of advice, guidance and resources for further education (FE) settings on Educate Against Hate

This blog post was published under the 2022 to 2024 Conservative government


By the Educate Against Hate team


After many months of user research, we were able to add a new hub to Educate Against Hate – the hub for Further Education – on 29th March 2023.

This new hub has been built to provide further education settings with access to a range of trusted advice, guidance and resources to help them comply with their Prevent duty and protect their learners from radicalisation. 

Later in this blog post we’ll cover the process we undertook to research and design this new hub, but firstly we’d like to talk about what we’ve added to the site. 


Advice, guidance and resources for further education settings


For the past 6 years Educate Against Hate has provided schools with a range of guidance, advice, tools and resources to help them tackle radicalisation and build their students’ resilience to extremism. Our new hub for further education settings will do the same for post-16 practitioners and learners, providing access to resources covering a range of topics, including: 

  • the Prevent duty 
  • fundamental British values 
  • e-learning for staff and learners
  • resources for adult learners
  • teaching resources for tackling radicalisation
  • resources for adult learners and work-based environments

The further education sector is incredibly diverse, and how they look to implement responsibilities will depend on the type of provision and the learner cohort. Whilst not every resource will be relevant to all settings, we hope that adding in a hub for further education providers will allow us to share more widely resources that we know can have a positive impact in post-16 learning environments

We’ll regularly add new resources, blogs and guidance for further education, just as we do for schools currently. To keep up-to-date on everything we add to the site you can sign-up to our monthly newsletter, or bookmark the Educate Against Hate site

A picture of the landing page for further education


How we designed the new hub


In January and February 2023 we conducted an online usability survey asking users from both schools and further education to tell us about how they’d like to navigate and find content on the site. Working through over 300 responses, we used the feedback to help us decide which content the site needed to include, where the hub should sit  and the most common routes to finding specific information for further education settings. 

Our next step was to build prototypes of a new site design and test how well they meet the needs our users had shared in our survey. This process saw us explore various design solutions before settling on a green tab located on the site homepage. We’ve shared a picture below of a previous design iteration that didn’t make the cut. 

A purple design landing page

What’s next for Educate Against Hate?


We’ll continue to provide both schools and further education settings with a regular array of guidance, resources, tools and blogs. If you spot a resource that you think others might find useful, you can recommend a resource to us via the Educate Against Hate mailbox – we’ll review the content and run it through our comprehensive due-diligence and quality assurance process before adding it to the site for others to access. 

You can keep up-to-date with our site by signing-up to our newsletter

Educate Against Hate team

Next steps

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